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Fig. 1


The 15th century rood screen at Cawston Church (Fig. 1) is well known, for it is a splendid example of its kind, with original doors and the upper section intact. It shows twenty paintings by (it is believed) three Flemish artists. 


























                                     Fig. 2                                Fig. 3


Figures2 and 3 depict, from left to right: St. Agnes, St. Helena, St. Thomas and St. John the Evangelist, respectively.


























                                      Fig. 4                             Fig. 5


Figures 4 and 5 depict, from left to right: St. James the Greater, St. Andrew, St. Paul and St. Peter, respectively. Figures 2-5 are from the north side of the nave.



























                                      Fig. 6                            Fig. 7


Figures 6 and 07 depict, from left to right: St. James the Less, St. Bartholomew, St. Philip and St. Jude, respectively.




























                                     Fig. 8                              Fig. 9


Figures 8 and 9 depict, from left to right: St. Simon, St. Matthew, St. Matthias and Sir John Schorne, respectively. Figures 6-9 are from the south side of the nave.

























                                     Fig. 10                             Fig. 11


The doors show St. Gregory and St. Jerome on the north side nave door (Fig. 10), and St. Ambrose and St. Augustine on the south side nave door (Fig. 11). 
























                                    Fig. 12                             Fig. 13


Figures 12 and 13 show examples of the signs of defacement that happened during the Reformation. Whilst the face of Figure 12 has been mostly scractched away, the eyes have been chisled out of Figure 13.























                                    Fig. 14                             Fig. 15


Whilst at Cawston, the sun shone through the 15th century windows and I was able to capture these images (Figs. 14 & 15). 




















Fig. 16


Figure 16 shows some of the detailed colour work on the Cawston rood screen.
























                                    Fig. 17                              Fig. 18
























                                    Fig. 19                            Fig. 20


The heads of Queen Phillippa and King Edward III (Figs. 17 & 18, respectively) on the west doorway arch, and Queen Joanna of Navarre and Henry IV (Figs. 19 & 20, respectively) on the south porch arch of Cley Church.













                              Fig. 21          Fig. 22          Fig. 23         Fig. 24


I am starting to collect photographs of these weathered heads as they may prove useful subjects in future work. Figures 21-24 are examples of 14th century heads from the south chancel wall of Ringstead Church and adorn Decorated Period windows. I like it when only the basic form of a head is still discernible and Fig. 23 stands out in particular in this regard. 























                                      Fig. 25                           Fig. 26


Figures 25 and 26 come from the west door arch at Salle Church and are typical of such carved heads.



















Fig. 27


Figure 27 shows medieval glass fragments in the south wall of the chancel at Trumpington Church, Cambridgeshire, whilst Figure 28 shows a north chancel window containing rare 13th century 






















                                  Fig. 28                            Fig. 29


glass of  two lions heads in the centre of the window, coloured yellow. Figure 29 is a detail of the left-hand side of the two lions heads. Below the lions is 14th century glass of St. Paul and St. Peter.



















                                 Fig. 30                             Fig. 31


Figures 30 and 31 (detail) show the medieval window glass in the south aisle at Trumpington Church, Cambridgeshire. Until 2014, the central lancet contained medieval glass too, but this was stolen.

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