Tate Modern:
Bruce Nauman
On 17th November 2017, I was, like a moth, instantly attracted to the bright lights of the Bruce Nauman exhibition (Tate Modern). His work demanded the viewer to (literally) take a step back and consider the purpose and context of his work. Nauman's extensive and imaginative use of media transmits a multitude of different ideas simultaneously. It is clear that his previous studies in Mathematics and Physics informed his practice and are a domineering influence on his work. One piece which caught my attention was 'Violins, Violence, Silence' (1981).
Violins, Violence, Silence
Bruce Nauman
The artwork itself was made of coloured neon tubing with a clear glass suspension frame. As the letters overlap, it is hard to initially distinguish what the piece is actually conveying, proving rather disorientating. Additionally, the buzzing noise which accompanies the piece (originating from the neon tubing) is somewhat distracting. However, it is ironic that while reading 'violins' evokes a pure and unpolluted noise, in reality you are faced with a low, droning buzz. I enjoy the irony of Nauman's work and the complex ideas which lie behind the lights. There is much more to this piece than is initially apparent and I hope that other visitors to the gallery take the time to consider its complexity.
Another piece in the exhibition which caught my attention was 'Raw Material Washing Hands'(1996). The video, which documents one individual washing their hands constantly for 55 minutes is difficult viewing. It is reminiscent of a person suffering from obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) in which the individual is performing a routine repeatedly, as though it were a ritual. The video becomes painful to watch as we see the individuals skin being overworked by the soap and water and I must admit that although the video runs for just under an hour, I watched it for no longer than 10 minutes.
Raw Material Washing Hands,
Bruce Nauman
After seeing Nauman's work, it is clear that he questions and stretches the boundaries of what it is to make art. He has purposefully left behind traditional notions of 'fine art' and has distanced himself from paint as a medium.


Last weekend (24th March 2018) I participated in Phoebe Davies and Nandi Bhebhe’s workshop for their new project, A Resistant Body. Davies’s practice revolves around how people perceive their social framework and her presentation of the information is often in the form of a live performance or video and audio work.
The workshop itself was aimed at a diverse group of people, including individuals of different ages, genders, socio-economic backgrounds and race. This undoubtedly aided the workshop, as it enriched the conversations taking place, with all participants contributing valuable insights and perspectives. Before beginning the workshop, all participants were required to state their preferred gender pronouns, i.e. 'she and her', 'he and him’, and ‘they'. This initial request indicated that the nature of the space was to be inclusive. This theme ran throughout the workshop, with all activities being structured, with the aim to give everyone a unique role.
Interactions were used to examine how we occupy space and to investigate the different power dynamics, abilities, and voices in the group. One activity demanded that we adopt three separate 'power poses', an activity which, I believe, proved extremely fruitful, due to the diversity of poses presented. It was interesting to see how the diversity in the group was reflected in the positions. It would be interesting to further investigate the roles of age, gender and race, or their interaction, in the decision to adopt a pose which is meant to resemble power as, if my suspicion is correct, it may reflect the inequality which currently runs throughout society. This potential discrepancy is something which I would like to investigate and potentially integrate into my own work.
Later in the day, we were also divided into small groups of four or five and asked to choreograph and act in a short piece. Prior to this we had been asked to write down a couple of words which we associate with power, examples included 'home’, ‘work’, ‘strength’ and ‘perseverance'. Our group selected the word 'connection' for our piece, as we felt that connecting with different people and forming new relationships equated to becoming more powerful.